City And County Taxes
Real property is taxed by the City or County in which you reside. The tax rate is set each year by the City Council or the County Board of Supervisors. Rate is per $100 of assessed value.The tax rates are as follows:
Chesterfield County: $.96
City of Colonial Heights: $1.14
Goochland County: $.53 (certain localities differ) $4.00
Hanover County: $.81
Town of Ashland: +$.09 (add to Hanover)
Henrico County: $.87
City of Hopewell: $1.13
New Kent County: $.84 (certain localities differ)
City of Petersburg: $1.35
Powhatan County: $.90
City of Richmond: $1.20
Real Estate Taxes are reported to the best of our knowledge and are subject to change by each city and county (as in, we can’t guarantee these tax rates).